Category: Forklift Fleet Management
When buying or leasing a forklift, many people aren’t aware how important it is to set up a cost effective forklift maintenance program before signing the deal to acquire a new or used forklift.
To help owners and users of electric forklifts save money, Fleetman has assembled a brief guide explaining how to properly charge, clean and water forklift batteries so they can avoid these unnecessary costs in the future.
Forklift sales trends, derived from forklift sales statistics, can be a leading economic indicator for many businesses because the forklift industry touches so many different types of market segments throughout North America and other parts of th
Forklift capacity ratings are often misunderstood by forklift owners, operators and surprisingly, many forklift salespeople.
Gathering forklift quotes from various forklift dealers when looking for a great forklift deal on a new or used forklift truck is easy, right? Well, not exactly.
Increase profits by reducing all direct and related forklift costs. Reducing your fleet size by only ( 1 ) truck can significantly improve your bottom line.