
How To Water, Clean & Charge Forklift Batteries

by Scott McLeod

A Forklift Battery Care Guide

Forklift batteries are very expensive to replace and unfortunately, many forklift batteries are replaced far too soon as a result of improper care and neglect.

To help owners and users of electric forklifts save money, Fleetman has assembled a brief guide explaining how to properly charge, clean and water forklift batteries so they can avoid these unnecessary costs in the future.

Forklift Battery Care Instructions PDFPlease feel free to download this useful forklift battery care instruction sheet then laminate it and keep it close to the battery charging area so it can be referenced by anyone involved in these activities.

Over the years, Fleetman has learned that for proper forklift battery care to be routine at any business, there has to be a commitment to training and there has to be accountability. Without these two components, any well intentioned forklift battery care program will fall by the wayside.

Forklift BatteryIdeally, a small or medium size business would choose one person to be responsible for these activities. In larger companies, having only one person be responsible is likely not practical and so another system might be better. How the system of accountability is set up is largely dependent on the type of business and the culture at that business. In some cases, the right answer might be to outsource parts of this job function just to make sure it gets done. In any case, accountability and responsibility are key to making sure that forklift battery charging, watering and cleaning is being done correctly and on a routine basis. We can’t stress this point enough.


For more information on how to better care for your forklift batteries, please contact Scott McLeod, President of Fleetman Consulting Inc. by calling (604)614-3530 or via email at help@fleetmanconsulting.com.

Posted in: Electric Forklifts, Forklift Fleet Management, New Forklifts, Used Forklifts