Magnetic Sweepers Vancouver BC
- Industrial Magnetic Sweepers Pick Up Nails, Screws, Staples & Much More
- Can Be Installed On Forklifts, Yard Tractors, Farm Tractors, Pick Up Trucks etc.
- Clean Your Yard And Reduce Flat Tires At The Same Time
Magnetic Sweepers Vancouver BC
Magnetic sweepers, magnetic brooms, forklift magnets and magnetic bars fit on various types of equipment such as forklifts, yard tractors, shunt tractors, tractors, pick-up trucks, ATV’s and various other types of construction and industrial equipment.
Many companies struggle with miscellaneous metal, screws, nails or lumber wrapper staples throughout their yard, warehouse or manufacturing plant.
In many cases, these scrap pieces of steel can result in unnecessary cost by way of flat tire repairs and other related equipment damage not to mention the potential for staff injury and so on.
Industrial magnetic sweepers, in the form of a magnetic sweeper bar, represents one of the many options that we offer. For example, we offer pipeline supply products that cater to the pipeline industry such as pipeline supply magnetic sweeper bars that make cleaning up a job site fast and easy.
Hanging magnetic sweepers typically hang from the forklift forks by way of a chain or dedicated fork pockets. They can also be mounted so they hang down between the front and rear wheels of the forklift or they can hang off the back of the rear counterweight via a chain and tow pin set-up.
There are various magnet grades associated with magnetic sweeper attachments. The higher the grade, the more pulling power the magnet has which means it will pick up metal from a greater distance off the ground. Our products are only manufactured with premium industrial quality USA Made grade 8 permanent and rare earth magnets, the best in the business.
Magnetic sweeper bars come in various widths depending on where the bar will be mounted and how much coverage area is required. Please keep in mind that a wide magnetic sweeper bar will cover a large area in a short amount of time but it may be too wide to work in tight areas or areas where you might need to tunnel down a row of product. It may also have a tendency to “bottom out” in areas where the ground conditions aren’t very flat. Choosing the right size is important to make sure it will work in all areas in and around your facility.
Forklift magnets are another great way to increase the utilization of your existing mobile equipment asset without the need to acquire another dedicated piece of equipment.
Tow Behind Magnetic Sweeper Trailers Vancouver BC
These high quality, high capacity, industrial grade tow behind magnetic sweeper trailers are perfect for applications such as airports, race tracks and so on. They are also known as tow behind magnets or tow behind magnetic sweepers.
Magnetic sweeper trailers have incredible pulling strength to pick up large heavy items at speeds faster than a typical magnetic sweeper bar used on a forklift. They cover a wide area quickly and effectively and are towed using a pick-up truck, tractor, yard tractor and other equipment set up with an appropriate trailer hitch.
We represent a very high quality type of magnetic sweeper trailer that offers exceptional performance and durability.
For further information, contact Scott McLeod, President of Fleetman Consulting Inc. by calling (604) 614-3530 or by email via (604) 614-3530 or by email via